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Dreams and Fears

Something that we've been working really hard towards, something that we have desired deeply, something that we though would make our lives so much better, when it does come true, it makes us incredibly happy for a while, and it does change our lives, but it doesn't end there.

There's still a lot of life left ahead, and new dreams come up to take it's place and we repeat the cycle again.

Similarly, when something that we've been dreading and working hard to avoid, when it does happen despite our best efforts, it makes us sad for a while, and it changes our lives for the worse, but it doesn't end there.

There's still a lot of life left ahead, and new fears come up to take it's place and we repeat the cycle again.

Realising this doesn't stop us from having dreams or fears.

It just reminds us that it's a cycle and there are always other dreams and fears to occupy our mind space.

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