The advantage of following processes is that it substitutes thinking.
Once I complete a task, I don't have to think what comes next. I don't have to think about what to cook on any day. I don't have to think about when to read or write or workout each day.
I've established a process for myself that substitutes all this thinking.
It all happens pretty automatically.
The disadvantage of following processes is that it substitutes thinking.
Sometimes, when I need to make a change to my workout or to my diet, or to incorporate commute to the office into my life now that we are all working from the office a little more often, sticking to the processes I follow is detrimental.
They no longer work as well under the new conditions.
I need to recognise this and rejig my processes.
Companies that have an over-emphasis on processes struggle to recognise when this change is needed. This is especially so because the thinking behind why the processes exist isn't at all clear to all the people following those processes.
The job of leaders at a company is to make it crystal clear to everyone the principles behind the processes, which are actually what need to be adhered to more than the processes themselves.
Here's a fantastic talk by Marty Cagan where he goes into depth on this topic.