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Judgment calls

When we see certain data, what do we do with it? Do we identify gaps where we need to capture more data? Do we draw patterns and draw insights? Do we determine our next actions based on what we see? Do we ignore it altogether?

When we read a story, hear about someone who's accomplished something or has chosen to head on a certain path, what do we take away from that? Are we inspired to do the same or pursue the same goals? Do we reflect on where we need improvement and work on it? Do we simply take vicarious pleasure in what we see and just move on? Do we compare our own situation to what we're seeing and feel inadequate or depressed?  

We're making judgment calls on such scenarios and many others several times a day. We're exercising the judgment muscle every day. 

A judgment call is essentially one where there is no one derivative answer from a set of inputs. If we can take decision A or decision B when both could be plausible logical next steps in a situation, the choice we make among the two is a judgment call. It is made with incomplete information (because with complete information, there would be only one right choice). 

The question is, how good are we at making such judgment calls? 

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