The only job of a CEO is to increase the value of the shareholders. If she ends up making a dent in the Universe while increasing shareholder value, that's a happy coincidence. That's when a few people other than the shareholders might also respect and look up to the CEO. If there is no such coincidence, it's all still good. The shareholders are still happy with the CEO for increasing their net worth.
In carrying out her role, the CEO constantly looks at ways to squeeze more juice out of the current lines of business, looks for potential new lines of business that can bring in more juice and looks for ways to ensure nobody else is doing things to eat into the juice she has her eyes on.
This includes focusing time and resources on doing things that contribute more (or have the potential to contribute more) to the bottom line and reduce efforts towards those that are dragging down the bottom line.
It is simple math. Do things that are profitable today or will be profitable tomorrow and don't do things that don't fall into either of the above. The only problem is when there aren't things that a CEO can do that boost the bottom line either today or sometime in the future. That's when it's time to go and for a new CEO to be found who can come with a vision of things that do stand to boost the bottom line.
But, if the business you are running is your life, then the math is still simple enough. But there is no room for sacking the CEO and bringing in another with a grander vision. The only way out is to make the CEO read self-help books and hope she is motivated and inspired enough to turn things around.
We're all CEOs, and we all struggle to get this simple math right in our lives.
On that thought, here's an interesting article by James Altucher on the ten reasons why you have to quit your job in 2016.